Owl Box

Owl Box

This owl box was contributed to the York School community in another act of our project-based learning action. Math teacher Susan Neubert worked with her Algebra 1 students to prepare and build houses for barn owls. Biology teacher Kim Kiest, and parents of students, assisted in the endeavor. Students used information from the course in first semester to calculate correct sizes and cutting wood from templates (with minimum wood waste), gaining new skills in design and construction through the process.
Thank you Tom Sanchez!

"My goal was to create a project-based learning activity to make algebra applicable to 'real life.'  In addition, I believe it incorporates some of the pre-algebra skills practiced during first semester," said Mrs. Neubert.

Ms. Kiests's Environmental Science class and Ms. Williston's 8th grade science class both assisted with the implementation of the owl box in the outdoor lab. Mr. Tom Sanchez was a great help to the endeavor!

Barn Owl's are an essential aspect of a stable ecosystem, especially in an area like Monterey County. These majestic creatures consume pests like voles, young rats, and mice. Barn Owls prefer to nest in old barns, tree hollows and nest boxes. The lack of an area to nest in can result in the demise of many Barn Owls. Many people, similar to York School, are setting up nest boxes so Barn Owls will have a chance at survival and repopulate certain areas.

Many of these owls will face endangerment due to extreme weather and their inability to find prey in such conditions. Railways, busy main roads, and motorways attract voles and other rodents, thus Barn Owls are drawn there by their prey, but are often hit by traffic. Loss of grassland habitat and hedgerows, by intense farming and heavy grazing has a catastrophic effect on the number of voles, which will inevitably create problems for the Barn Owl. Many Barn Owl's face danger in drowning in water trough's, from lack of being able to climb out.

Due to the many dangers wild Barn Owl's face, they only live from 1-5 years. In a protected environment, a Barn Owl can live up to 20-25 years.