Blogging Extras

There are easy to use apps for mobile platforms that let you post your news or research notes "in the field".

In the settings you can create an Email to Blog address, so that any mail sent to that address will automatically be posted to the blog. This may be a useful feature for public newsletters.

The Blogger "Blog This!" bookmarklet is a simple addition to any browser for when you want to create a blog post that might be a comment on, or reaction to any web page you are using.

If you enable enclosures in Settings >> Basic >> your blog posts can have audio attachments and your blog is now podcast.

Whilst blogs are focussed on writing content, we recommend Google Reader (available from the black Google navigation bar) as tool to keep up with reading lots of blog and news content sources.

Use of your blog is automatically tracked giving you simple analytics, so you can see which content is most popular, or what search terms brought people to your content.