2020 Principal's Message

2020 -2021 Opening Remarks

Good afternoon everyone!

In previous years, I have taken this opportunity to share the vision of the school for the year. After reflecting on this past school year and where we find ourselves right now, I decided to focus on a couple of topics, the COVID-19 Pandemic and Anti-Racism. These two topics will be the focus of my address today.

I would like to thank our custodial team, admin assistants, the guidance department, the special education department and admin team for ensuring that the school is ready for day one. As you all know, Day 1 will be September 10, 2020 for our grade 9 Cohort A students. I want to take this opportunity to welcome you all back, welcome the new teachers, support staff and welcome back those returning from leaves of absences.

As I have said in the past, I believe in the shepherd leadership style where one leads from the back. This approach allows the shepherd to see their flock all the time and therefore be able to tend to those sheep that limp and need support right away. As teachers and staff, I consider you to be shepherds in your classrooms or work areas. I was a witness to this type of leadership from you last year when we had to adapt our ways of delivering the curriculum.

The four pillars that govern what we do at this school are; We, Not I, Philosophy, Creating S.A.F.E. zones, Wellness and Communication. I have, as always, sectioned off my speech in these four categories.

We, not I, philosophy

I believe that all stakeholders, all of us gathered here, parents/guardians, the Church and students, form the village of St Brother Andre Catholic High School. We have to continue to ensure that every student is a partner in what we are doing at this school.

Together, we are going to continue to identify and support any student who has not been successful in the past, and we will continue to put faces on the data to identify those students who continue to struggle academically, socially and emotionally. I will provide each staff member with the tools necessary for Student Success. With the support of our Chaplains, Guidance Counsellors and Support staff we can offer students the social and emotional supports as best as we can.

I want to take this opportunity to address issues of racism and systemic racism in our school and system. As a people, I want us to examine where the biases lie within ourselves and be prepared to unlearn some of the beliefs that we have come to accept as truth. The YCDSB’s HREA has prepared modules for all of us to review. I encourage each and every one of us to take the time to go through these modules tomorrow. As a school there are some practical ways that I think we can demonstrate a desire to change some of our practices. Let us call out racism when we see or hear it, i.e., there is no place for using the “N” word in this building or anywhere. Several students have expressed that this word is used in our building and classrooms and teachers ignore or pretend that they did not hear the word. It is incumbent upon us to address racism and all forms of discrimination. I will speak to other ways of decolonizing the curriculum in my next section.

Creating S.A.F.E Zones

Every member of our school Community is called to create a safe space. What this space looks like, is going to differ at all times from one place to the other. When we create safe spaces for every student in our building, we foster creativity. I urge you to ensure that every student in your classroom becomes successful and feels safe.

I would like to remind us that we are called to be stewards of the Earth, and therefore we must make sure that we keep our space as safe environments for all students. With the pandemic there has been an increase in discrimination and racism against people of Asian descent. I urge you to call it out and create safe spaces for all our staff and students of Asian descent. I promise you that I will make this space a safe space for every one of you.

I am putting aside $15 000.00 this year to support any staff member who would like to participate in workshops that address anti-racism or discrimination, especially ABR (Anti-Black Racism) or AIR (Anti-Indigenous Racism). These funds can also be used to purchase additional texts/materials and speakers during in-class sessions. As we move ahead, let us review the texts that we use, or materials that we purchase and ask ourselves if they are reflective of the community that we live in? If they are not, let us regroup and make the effort to purchase fitting materials. It takes a village to raise a child and I am calling on the SBA village to do its part and begin the dismantling of systemic racism.

As a group of professionals we must also believe that each of our colleagues wants the best for every student in their care. To that end, I have set aside $7 000.00 for professional development, and $5 000.00 specifically for professional development related to technology. For those of you who are new to our school, I am offering a device to each teacher who needs one. I am setting aside so much money for technology because I would like us to start focusing on how we use technology to engage and create learning opportunities for students. I am encouraging you to explore live streaming as it may be one really good option to deliver the curriculum.

I have set aside an additional $10 000.00 for the purposes of purchasing e-licences. I urge each of you to engage our students in ways that will enable them to learn. As we purchase these e-licences let us be culturally sensitive. Department heads are aware of the funds that have been allocated to their respective departments to support the curriculum delivery to our students.

As we battle this pandemic, it will take all of us to be engaged. It is my expectation that every person in the building will wear a mask and practice appropriate physical distancing. I urge each of you to ensure that this is done in your classroom if we are to become successful against the pandemic. I want to thank our custodial team who have been working hard to keep this place ready and will continue to ensure that all touch points are sanitized at least twice a day.

On the first day of class, please go over the safety points with your students, get to know them and share the curriculum documents. It is important that you remind the students about the self-check protocols, and reinforce the importance of staying in their assigned spots. This will be important for contact tracing if we have to. We will be sending a video to students that demonstrates these protocols as well.

There is power in forgiveness. Forgiveness implies that we understand that human beings are by nature mistake makers. When we allow our students to experiment during their learning, we ought to know that they will make mistakes. If they make a mistake and we correct them, they will learn because we are there to guide them. I would like us to make our spaces environments where students feel that they can make mistakes and learn from them. When we do that, we will demonstrate one of the most powerful images that God shows to us every day. I encourage you to experiment with new approaches to teaching.

I do not believe that there is anyone who does not strive for excellence. We will continue with the e-book initiative in many departments this year. I have set aside four days for teacher collaboration to support the e-book initiative. Let us all set the bar high for our students. Challenge ourselves and our students to do the best we can.


We will continue with our wellness program this year. We will begin our Wellness Wednesday workshops in mid October. I want to thank those teachers who led our wellness sessions last school year. More information will follow on our wellness exercises.

I have spoken to the admin team about respecting your time. We will not be sending emails to you after 5 pm or during weekends unless it is extremely important. I also ask that you not send work related emails to each other after 5 pm or on weekends. Lastly, do not send those work related emails to admin as well unless they are serious. If you remember something work related but are afraid that you might forget it if you do not type it right away, write the email and set it up to send the following day during work hours.


A lot has been said about the definition of communication. God gave us two ears to listen and one mouth. As part of communication, we need to do more listening as there are many suggestions that can help us. The way we welcome students and each other communicates more than the words that we utter. I urge all of you to look around our classroom and spaces, and ask this question “Would I be OK to have my child come to this space?” If the answer to this question is yes, then your environment is ready for our students.

Secondly, let us review our building environment and ask ourselves what story it tells. What do the signs in our parking lot communicate? Are they inviting, inclusive or just fulfilling the status quo. Let us look at our washrooms, are they safe for all students and or accommodating for those using wheel-chairs?


I would like to quote Nelson Mandela, as I close, “Education is the key to eliminating gender inequality, to reducing poverty, to creating a sustainable planet, to preventing needless deaths and illness, and to fostering peace. And in a knowledge economy, education is the new currency by which nations maintain economic competitiveness and global prosperity”. I, therefore, urge you, this year to do your part in supporting any one of these areas.

Thank you and May God continue to bless the work that you do!