Activity 5:

Which is the best method to use?

With your group decide which is the best method to use to measure a height. You should bear these criteria in mind:

  • difficulty

  • amusement

  • time

  • accuracy

Prepare an oral presentation of your conclusions and explain them to the rest of the class. It has to be 6 minutes maximum.

Good preparation makes you confident and equals great results. Prepare your speech thoroughly and then practice until you really know it (but don't memorize it!)

Your presentation plan should include:


Tell your partners what the main points of your explanation are. Introduction should create interest and preview main points.


Organize your ideas in blocks of information:

  1. Explain who Thales of Miletus and Euclid of Alexandria were, and show their Conversation in the Time Machine.(Remember you have recorded it in activity 2)

  2. Explain the method you have chosen and justify your choice.

  3. Try to convince the audience that the method you have chosen is the best.


In the conclusion you should reiterate the ideas presented and reinforce the purpose of the presentation, but do it in a concise way.

Each group should be ready to answer the possible doubts and questions from the audience.