Credits, Licenses and Contact

This website and the didactic sequence have been built and designed by Jordi Domènech Casal, Science teacher at secondary school in Spain. The didactic sequence follow the IBSE approach to work on the genetic code with students, and is inspired on the research performed by Nirenberg and Khorana on this field (see references).

The didactic sequence has been published in Revista Ciències (see references), and has been awarded with the second prize in the contest "We inquire", organized by the Pathway european project. This didactic activity is indexed in the Aplicació de Recursos al Currículum (ARC) from Generalitat de Catalunya and has been included as part of the ProyectandoBioGeo science learning activities itinerary.


I offer the didactic sequence and all the materials included (documents, images,...) under a Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 3.0) license (you are free to remix and adapt the work, citing the original author. Use for commercial purposes is not allowed).

Materials Excluded from this general license:

  • The image of a scientist from the initial page is a modification from an original extracted from WikiMedia Commons, and belongs to the public domain.

Disclaimer: Copyright disruption is not intended. This site has been built with educational purposes and no commercial intention. Please, let me know if you detect any Copyright infrictment.


Comments and suggestions are welcome. I'd be grateful if other education or research professionals can suggest me modifications or add new steps to the didactic sequence. I can eventually add it to the site, together with your name and contact details (with a License identical to the rest of the website).

Jordi Domènech Casal | | @jdomenechca |