Erasmus Creativity Club



Summer has just started and all around Catalonia, we can find all kinds of local parties, celebrations and traditions. Taking advantage of our warm weather and the holiday, people go out into the streets so as to enjoy the great variety of possibilities and opportunities which the different towns and villages offer in the summer.

It is the perfect time to capture special and unique moments on your camera. This is a small list of examples where you can see this enormous variety of events that you can find outdoors in villages or cities.

- Traditional festivities

- Local festivals (any activities addressed to children, teenagers or adults)

- The election of “pubilla” and “hereu” (special representative young man and young lady in the village dressed in the typical costume of the place)

- Neighbourhood festivals or parties on the street.

- Races, competitions or popular walks.

- Evening parties with orchestras.

- Saint John’s Eve.

- The Canigó Flame.

- Gastronomic celebrations: “romescada”, “botifarrada”, Saint Joan typical cakes, etc.

- Saint Christopher celebration (benediction of vehicles)

- “Mulla’t” (charity event against multiple sclerosis)

- Traditional fairs and markets.

- Traditional sports and competitions such as “andròmines” (home-made vehicles)

- Traditional music in “Sardanes”, “Havaneres”, “Correfocs” (firework street shows), “diables” (firework devils), “castells” (human castles), etc.

- Dance, music or puppet shows.

- Animal contests, etc.

Join in the different cultural events near you and do a photographic report from your own point of view, as if you were a tourist and you’d like to show the traditions and celebrations in Catalonia through your photographs. Enjoy your summer, reporters!!!

The Task

1. What do you have to do?

· A photographic report with at least two different traditional festivals / traditions / celebrations. One of them has to be held at a local, regional or Catalan level, while the other one can be held in Catalonia, Spain, Europe or anywhere in the world you’ve been visiting during the holiday. Choose between 5 and 10 photographs for each event (maximum 20 photos)

· On a word document, take notes of the place, date and the name of the event. If a charity, organization or well-known person appears in the photograph, write down their names. Write a short introduction to the photographs and events you have chosen.

· A video (film, slide presentation with music / your voice, etc.) with the same topic festivals, traditions and celebrations. There are no minimum or maximum requirements. Surprise us all... ;-)

2. When and how do you have to give the tasks in?

· Store the photographs in two shared files on your gmail drive. Share these files with angels.sendra@sesvallbona.org and insvallbona@gmail.com Don’t forget to add the document where you’ve written the introduction to the events you’ve chosen.

· Each file has to be named after the student and specify the celebration. For example: ÀNGELS SENDRA festes

· You can publish the video on the internet and give us the link or share the video with us on the gmail drive.

· Deadline: 14th September 2016.

PS: Ex-erasmus students are also invited to participate and send to us their works ;-)