Step 5: Building your research project. Getting finantial support.

A key point in research is to get the money.

Research is usually an expensive process. Laboratory analysis, facilities, etc...have to be payed.

The money for research came from Governamental Institutions or from private investors. In any case, you will have to convince them that your project is interesting and useful, and that you and your team are competent scientists able to undertake it with success.

You and your mate from the step before have finally got your article published. But you alone are not good enough to get the finantial suppor of an institution that has opened a selection process for research projects to be funded. In this step, You will have to find two other teams which research fits well with yours, to build together a research project.


Select good partners (with a good CV: this means that htey have published in a good journals)

Construct a good project: their data and yours have to fit in a way that it is possible to extract new and interesting questions from it, to be tested through new experiments.