Open Positions

Once a Buy Trade is created a corresponding entry will also be included to the Open Positions worksheet. This worksheet maintains a list of all Open Positions. As you add Sell Trades the Open Positions are updated to reduce or remove them from the worksheet. The Stop Loss / Take Profit warnings are displayed on this worksheet for you review.

Fields on Open Positions Worksheet

The following is a listing of all fields on the Open Positions worksheet.

Purchase Date: date on which the security was purchased

Security Code: security code for the trade

Exchange: the exchange that the security was traded on, the familiar name is shown

Company: this field is matched to the company details found on Yahoo

Portfolio: this is the portfolio selected for the trade

Instrument: this is the type of trade either a "Share" or "CFD"

Quantity: total quantity for the trade; this will shown the remaining quantity

Purchase Price: purchase price for the trade

Total Purchase Costs: total purchase costs including buy cost and brokerage

Current Market Price: this is the price retrieved from Yahoo Finance

Daily Move: this is the movement in the price from the previous day to market open

Market Value: total value of the current position using Market Price and Quantity

Profit/Loss: this is the difference between the Market Value and Total Purchase Costs

% Gain/Loss: this is the % difference between the Total Purchase Costs and current Market Value

Days Held: calculates the number of days that the position has been held

Stop Loss/Take Profit: a warning for any breach to the settings for Stop Loss/Take Profit, the options are

  • Position OK - no action required price is within the Stop Loss/Take Profit

  • Stop Loss Breach - the market price has gone below the Stop Loss and trade should be sold

  • Take Profit Breach - the market price has risen above the Take Profit and should be sold

Buy Trade Reference: a unique reference used to match against the existing buy trades

Position Status: indicator if the trade is "Open", "Sold" or "Partial" for trades not fully sold

Compounding Profit/Loss: this column includes a calculated value showing the compounding profit and loss for all trades currently listed. It assumes the trades are sorted in Trade Date descending order. This value is used on the charts displayed on the Dashboard.