
Unit- Apples Literacy: Apple Pie Tree     &   Ten Apples up on Top

Phonological Awareness: letter a says /ae/ Vocabulary:    Level 1 (AM)    & Level 2 (PM)

Ms. Liz's Bitmoji Classroom
Apple Orchard Game (Weekly Activity 3).docx
PT-Gross Motor Activity 
Ten Apples on Top.pdf
Cut and order apples 1-10. Color and pattern by color. 
Pattern pom poms or pretend to make apple pie. 
Make apple patterns with pom poms. Color apples to match your pattern. 
Stack household items. Work on counting 1-1 while you stack. Take a photo of your work and email it! :) 
Apple Senses.pdf
xplore an apple using your five senses. How does the apple feel, look, taste, smell, or sound like? Work on using descriptive words. Color each of the apples as you discuss. Write descriptive words inside the apple. 
Part of an Apple.pdf
Cut into an apple and label all the parts. Complete the Parts of an Apple Sheet as you explore and discuss. 
Use the apples sent home to measure things around your house. Work on counting using 1-1 correspondence. Discuss what is taller or shorter. 
Apple Language Calendar.pdf
ick a  language game or activity to play together with your child. Visit Ms. Kiersten's webpage and play some more language games. 
Apple Recipes.pdf
Choose a simple apple recipe. Work on requesting & sequencing the steps. Discuss parts of an apple. Use your five senses to describe what you see, taste, smell, or feel will baking. 
Themed+Picture+Cards-material_10893472 (1).pdf
Cut out each apple vocabulary card. Create your own apple picking experience at home. Place apples around the room and have your child pretend to pick apples. Label the pictures on each card as your child finds apples. Pretend to purchase the apples, pretend to bring them home and make a make believe apple pie. 
Re-read the story, Apple Pie Tree. (Linked Below)Discuss how apples grow. Create a tissue paper apple tree. 
Apple Senses.pdf
Apple Play Doh Mats.pdf
Apple Recipe.pdf