October 2023

We have been busy at school learning to work together and share toys and materials. We are also working on paying attention within a group and persisting with play and learning activities.  Some friends have mastered climbing onto the different playground structures or pedaling a big wheel.  We've built a  MAT MAN together and reviewed our body parts and their functions (ex: eyes to see, arms to reach, etc.) We have counted the jewels we found in playdough and made cool spiders and aliens using pegs, pipe cleaners, wiggle eyes, and playdough. We are learning to recognize our names as well as some letters and numerals.  Our "All About Me" books have gone home and we are almost finished with our Square One Art Project. Friends are enjoying “reading” the baby to  preschooler book. If you never sent in the picture page, you can still do so. We’ve had many October birthdays. 

We are now fully immersed in our fall theme.  We have learned several apple songs and chants. In one song we spell out the word “APPLE” to the tune of BINGO.  It goes like this:  There was a farmer, had a tree, his apples were so tasty,    A P P L E, A P P L E   His apples were so tasty.  Similar to BINGO we remove one letter each time and replace it with a clap until we have only claps.  We picked pumpkins to the song "I Saw a Pumpkin" and danced to both the Apple and Pumpkin Pokeys.  We also sing 5 little pumpkins but substitute “a chill in the air” for “witches in the air.”  We have farm toys, fire/ public safety toys, and Duplos in our block area. The sensory table is filled with sand.  We had wet sand for a few weeks and now it is dry with lots of plastic spiders and golden coins to find. 

Our "Yellow Room Farm Stand" in which the children pretend to buy/ sell pumpkins, flowers, and various foods has been quite popular.  The children use the pretend microwave and stove/ oven to "make" apple pies, cookies, and muffins. We have some great cashiers and shoppers. We are learning to work together to “restock the shelves” and get the farmstand back in shape at clean up time.

During group times we have been learning about the weather, rhyming, nocturnal animals, and enjoying action songs and listening to some good stories.  We often review what we did during the day to the song “Hey, Hey What Do You Say? What did you do at school today?

We will continue to go outside to play daily so please dress your child in layers so he/ she will be comfortable both outside and inside. 

Many thanks to those of you who have sent in the decorated scarecrows.  They are awesome and your children are so proud of their creations....we have seen such creative ideas using leaves, sticks, stickers, pompoms, wiggle eyes, buttons, cloth, etc as decorations.  Our scarecrows are so diverse:)  If you haven’t yet decorated your scarecrow, we hope you can do so soon so that your child’s scarecrow can become part of our bulletin board. The children sometimes comment on them at snack time.