January/ February 2024

A snowday is the perfect day to take time to update the Yellow Room website.  My apologies for the delay.

Needless to say, each day has been a busy one in the Yellow Room.  In November we focused on Nursery Rhymes, in December on Classic Stories and Fairy Tales, and now in January we are celebrating the school wide theme of Winter.  The school wide theme for February is Community Helpers with a bit of Valentine's Day fun sprinkled in. 

Our  dramatic play area now has a desk  complete with markers, envelopes, and cards for "writing" cards and notes.  We also have a small mailbox that students can use to "mail" their notes.  In February we will be adding a small "post office" with stamps, cash register, stamper, and mailbags for letter carriers.  We welcome donations of index cards, note cards, envelopes, or Easter Seal stamps/ stickers that look like stamps.  

Snowy weather is here.  Please take time to label your child’s warm weather gear since things are easily misplaced.  We teach the children to put their coat on using the “flip method.”  They are cued to orient it by placing the coat’s tag in front of their toes with the prompt “tag to toes”.  Some of the afternoon children have developed a new method of putting their hood on and then reaching for their arm holes - whatever works:) Also, please try to send mittens instead of gloves since the fingers stay warmer.   

Watch your child's backpack for a Design a Family Postage Stamp "homework" project.

Home Learning Activities:  

Watch your child's backpack for a list of students for the Valentine card exchange which will take place on Feb 12 -14.  By district policy, we do not include food in our celebrations but we will exchange cards and kindness as well as engage in some fun Valentine art activities.   

With cold and flu season in full swing, we are always looking for donations of soft tissues that pop up from the box.  This type of box seems to keep the tissues more hygienic.  We could also use some disinfecting wipes.  We are in a constant fight to keep those germs away.