Visual Perceptual Skills

What are visual perceptual skills?

Bishop, 2018 notes "Visual perceptual skills are the brain's ability to make sense of what the eyes see. It is important for everyday activities such as dressing, eating, writing, and playing. There are seven different categories of visual perceptual skills." 

Areas of visual perception

Visual spatial relations:  "The ability to determine one form or part of a form that is turned in a different direction than the others" (Bishop, 2018).

Sequential memory:  "The ability to remember a series of forms and find it among other forms" (Bishop, 2018).

Visual discrimination:  "The ability to differentiate between objects and forms" (Bishop, 2018)

Form constancy: "The ability to see a form and find it among other forms, although it is sized differently or rotated" (Bishop, 2018) 

Visual memory: "The ability to store visual details in short-term memory, such as recalling a phone number" (Bishop, 2018)

Visual closure: "The ability to fill in the missing details into an incomplete shape. This requires abstract problem-solving" (Bishop, 2018)

Figure ground: "The ability to perceive a form and find it hidden in a conglomerated ground of matter" (Bishop, 2018).

Visual perception resources

Visual perecptual overview and strategies