Band/Choir Schedule

Each band/choir will meet twice a week. Band/choir occurs during "zero hour" from 7:45 am-8:30 am with the exception of 5th grade band which also meets Thursday afternoon 2:30-3:15 pm. If students get to school closer to 8:00 am (because of bus/drop-offs, ect.) they should report to class as soon as they arrive. Students are expected to enter the class quietly, get out their instruments, and join in rehearsal.

Also please note that if there is a day off for vacation/break/snow day/ ect. the daily schedule will remain. The weekly band/choir days will be as follows:


Band/Choir Weekly Schedule


7th/8th Grade Band (7:45-8:30)

ALL 5th/6th Grade Choir (7:45-8:30)


5th Grade Band (7:45-8:30)

7th/8th Grade Choir (7:45-8:30)


6th Grade Band (7:45-8:30)

5th Grade Choir ONLY (7:45-8:30)


7th/8th Grade Band (7:45-8:30)

6th Grade Choir ONLY (7:45-8:30)

5th Grade Band (2:30-3:15)


6th Grade Band (7:45-8:30)

7th/8th Grade Choir (7:45-8:30)