Island Flower

Presenters: Andrea Baehane , Annie Wong

Islands Flowers empowers students at the adult transition level with the behavioral choices, interpersonal communication skills and variety of work-based experiences that lead to gainful employment and a regular paycheck. Program participation will enable students to acquire skills necessary to successfully apply for a job, demonstrate employable behaviors, and remain employed.

Island Flowers Presentation.pdf
Flower Business Interview Emily.pdf

Staying Safe at Work

Presenter: Robin Dewey

Health and safety training is essential for developing skills that all workers need. This workshop will demonstrate training activities that teach these skills in manner that workers with intellectual disabilities can understand. It will also present ideas for how this training can enhance employability and preparation for competitive employment.

StayingSafeAtWorkfor Cal Transition.pdf

It's Not Soap - A worked based learning project

Presenter: Danielle Harvey

Self-advocacy skills are the most valuable skills a young person can cultivate in an internship setting. Self-advocacy encourages interns to think critically about the career they want

It's Not Soap-Lotion Bar Project Presentation.pdf

Competitive Integrated Employment Blueprint - Practically Speaking It

This presentation unpacks the Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Blueprint, clarifies what implementation means in practice, and addresses the potential impact that collaboration between the Local Educational Agency/WorkAbility I projects, Regional Center, and Department of Rehabilitation District Office can have.

CoP Bridge to the Future IV CIE Blueprint Presentation 2018.10.30.pdf

Health Care Panel - Advocate for yourself

Presenter: Joseph Peters

Self-advocacy skills are the most valuable skills a young person can cultivate in an internship setting. Self-advocacy encourages interns to think critically about the career they want.

Bridge to the Future IV PPP.pptx
2018-2019 HEAL Internships Flyer 8.23.18.pdf

Department Passport SBARx3.pdf