Food Service
WMS provides free breakfast and lunch daily for all students - as a USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) school. The school helps fund this provision because we believe our children will be at their best for learning with good nutrition.
WMS posts monthly Breakfast and Lunch menus here and on our Facebook page. We have transitioned to paperless to help save paper and trees and to be more cost-efficient. Printed copies of menus are available in the office.
Breakfast & Lunch
All students are encouraged to eat a healthy breakfast and lunch every day!

Meet the Waimea Elementary School Cafeteria Manager - Neal Matsumura
WMS is a PEANUT FREE SCHOOL. Students and/or staff may have severe allergic reactions to peanuts and/or peanut substances. Please refrain from having any type of peanut foods on campus.
SHARED VALUES: It is the responsibility of Waimea Middle School to address the academic, physical, mental, emotional and social well-being of our entire learning community. We recognize that when wellness needs are met, we attain higher levels of achievement. We also believe that there is a link between nutrition education, the food consumed in our school, and physical, social, cultural and environmental education. We believe that wellness is affected by all of these. Whenever possible, we will provide nutritious, fresh, locally grown food that reflects Hawaii’s cultural diversity.
Families are encouraged to support student readiness to learn and their overall well-being by providing their children with a healthy breakfast and by ensuring that any foods brought onto campus meet or exceed current USDA Dietary Guidelines. This includes foods and beverages sent to school for birthdays and other celebrations. In addition, families are asked to help the school by encouraging their children to bring only healthy food and drink to school. Beverages containing sugar as a first ingredient and caffeine, guarana or taurine are not permitted. Please do not send your child to school with any type of energy drink.
The State of Hawai’i Department of Health provides free flu vaccinations or a comparable nasal spray for all public school students. WMS’ Flu Vax Clinic will be Fall 2022 (date to be announced). Written family permission is required and forms with complete information will be sent home early in the school year. This is optional but may help protect students from illness and prevent or minimize absences. If you have questions, please call the school Health Aide, 808-313-7503.
All reimbursable meals and snacks shall meet or exceed Federal nutrient standards as required by the USDA Child Nutrition Program regulations.
All foods and beverages sold at school to students must meet or exceed current USDA Dietary Guidelines (including vending and ala carte items).
Nutrition information for products offered in snack bars, ala carte, vending, etc. is readily available near the point of purchase.
Food/beverage providers must promote positive nutritional logos and trademarks on school grounds.
Meals feature fresh and minimally processed fruits and vegetables from local sources to the greatest extent possible.
The following items are not sold anywhere on school property:
Foods of minimal nutritional value (FMNV) as defined by USDA regulations;
All food and beverage items listing sugar, in any form, as the first ingredient, such as candy.
Foods containing trans fats.
All snack and beverage items sold or served anywhere on school property, including items sold in Ala carte lines and fundraisers, provided in classrooms, or served in the reimbursable After School Snack Program, must meet or exceed the following standards:
1. Based on manufacturer’s nutritional data or nutrient facts labels:
No more than eight (8) grams of total fat per serving, with the exception of nuts and seeds.
No more than two (2) grams of saturated fat per serving.
2. All beverages do not exceed twelve (12) ounces, with the following exceptions:
Milk containing one percent or less fat.
3. Products containing 2% milk fat or more do not exceed eight ounces.
4. Limit sugar