Supplemental Application Materials

Video Auditions (due 1 week before scheduled NSAD):

Most studios require video and/or audio files as part of your studio audition. You must still follow the regular Music application process to register for an NSAD date. You also need to submit the WMU Music Submissions Contents form. Some studios may use video submissions for pre-screening purposes (e.g., conducting, voice). Please review these guidelines regarding audition repertoire. If you have additional questions, it is recommended that you contact the appropriate studio faculty directly.

Portfolio Files (due 1 week before interview):

Some programs may require you to submit additional materials such as composition scores, multimedia projects, repertoire lists, etc.

How to Submit:

1) The preferred method is to submit your files via Google Drive using a Gmail account.

2) If you do not have your own Gmail account, you can upload files individually via Manual Upload

3) If neither of these methods work, please contact to arrange an alternative method.

Please do NOT send any files as email attachments.