About Mrs. King

kingj@wl.k12.in.us       or   school phone: (765)746-0500                                                             x 4350

Dear Parents and Caregivers,  

Well, here we are...taking one of many of the very first steps toward a successful year filled with excitement and curiosity that is uniquely 6th grade!

I am so very excited to be your child's teacher this year!  I'm a 2005 graduate of West Chester University in Pennsylvania and prior to WLIS, taught in the Lafayette Catholic School System.   After teaching grades 2/3, 4, 5, and 6, 6th grade is where I've planted myself for 12 years.  I have been in WLCSC since 2012.  I LOVE 6th grade!

I am a curious and adventurous military veteran and spouse and therefore have lived in various places prior to setting roots in West Lafayette.  Our three children are West Lafayette graduates and have cheered on both Purdue and Indiana universities.

My academic interests revolve around atypical brains: gifted, ADHD, spectrum, creatives, anxiety & adaptations for class/home/good life for those trying to find where they fit.  Nature and the importance of nature on humans, both young and old, is a personal interest, as well.

If you have any concerns or questions throughout the year, please do not hesitate to contact me. The best way to contact me is through e-mail.   Please feel free to request a meeting if you need to discuss your child.   My door is open and I hope you feel as strongly as I do about being a success team for your child. 

I look forward to the adventure our classroom family is about to embark on.  We will work hard.  We will play hard.  Growth will be the reward.  In all things, I truly believe...Together We Can.  LET THE ADVENTURE BEGIN!

PARENT NIGHT IS Wednesday, AUGUST 16, 2022.  5:15-5:45 in room 606.


Mrs. Jen King 

school: (765)746-0500 x 4350

Due to the nature of teaching, I am not always readily available, but will answer as soon as possible.  If an issue is urgent, please phone the office and they will get the message to me as soon as they are able.