Classroom information


Sixth grade homework is an important part of student academic success and should be viewed as a method to reinforce skills and a practice in time management/self discipline.  Most of our work will be completed in class, but sixth graders should have about 60 minutes of homework per night. 

Assignments are posted on the homework page of this website as a planning courtesy, however, the BEST source of current assignments is your son/daughters Assignment Book that they fill in daily.    

The 6th grade policy for late homework, once entered, is a zero in the grade book if it is not received when it is due.  However, the zero will be replaced with up to 80% of the earned grade when turned in the next day.  Work that is turned in after this may receive 50% of the earned grade.  Students will not be allowed to phone home and ask for their homework to be brought to school.  This information can be found in your child's assignment book in the front section of policies. 

Your child's grades are entered into Skyward, our grading and communication tool.  Please double check the grade online and the grade on the paper or project. Should you have questions or notice any discrepancies, please contact me.  I encourage you and your child to check grades every few weeks so missing assignments and/or low grades may be kept to a minimum.

Parents can help by offering to edit, proofread and guide your child in finding the resources to complete their assignment.

Memorization: Students will memorize various poems or speeches per quarter and recite to me as a part of the language arts grade.  Some students do not consider themselves capable of such a task but ALL students succeed in this every year.  Believe.....achieve! (-:  PROGRESS over PERFECTION!!

Classroom Expectations: 

Students in 6th grade are expected to respect themselves, others, and property at all times while conducting themselves in an appropriate manner.  Students are expected to advocate for themselves when they have questions or were absent.  You will also notice that I stress independence a lot in my classroom. Your child is preparing for middle school where they will switch classes and have to keep track of many things.  I expect students to practice the good habit of being responsible and kind toward their peers and adults in their life.  I encourage students to also "Speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves".

Behavioral/Class Management:

1st reminder:  verbal warning 

2nd reminder:  Student is sent into the hallway and told to "count to 60 in the hallway and then return".

3rd reminder:  Fill out a self-reflection paper called:  "Time Out" 

After these attempts to manage behavior, the final step is to notify the Dean of Students.

Reading Counts is replaced by Accelerated Reader (AR) this year:

These were the requirements for RC.  AR will be similar, but as of right now, I am not yet familiar with the program.  STAY TUNED.  (:

Students can choose whatever books they would like to read. Personal reading is for enjoyment of the story.  I will push or pull back as the needs of the student dictate.  Student's vocabulary and lexile will be stretched with Latin and Greek study, novel vocabulary and the in-class novels reads.

Math Placement: "It's all about PACING."

All 6th grade students take a math placement test.  The classes are divided based on these placement tests and NWEA math scores.  The students on the higher end of the scores will be progressing through the book more quickly.  The other students will be in a regular paced or lesser paced classes, based on the best interests of the students needs.   In each placement, the best interests of the child are considered. The 6th grade staff takes math placement seriously.  All of the 6th grade math classes differentiate within their classes and use the same textbook, Big Ideas Math.   Pace and projects will be different based on class needs.

Plagiarism and Cheating 6th grade policy:


1st offense:

- Student serves 2 lunch/recess detentions

- Student may earn up to 80% of the grade, depending on the severity. 

2nd offense:

- Student serves 1 in-school detention

- Student receives a zero on the assignment 


1st offense:

- Student will receive a 0% on the test or quiz

- Student will receive 2 lunch/recess detentions

2nd offense:

- Student will receive a 0% on the test or quiz

- Student will receive an in school detention