Our Schedule

Here is a little more information about each part of our day:

Please note that the schedule is subject to change. I will make sure to update this website as the school year progresses.


Table Toys/ Self-Guided Reading: At this time, the children will be at their individual spaces looking at a book and practicing book handling/ story exploration skills. They may also be playing with a toy that helps with fine motor skills.

Circle time: With a count down and transition song, the students will stay on their yoga mat for circle time. At circle time we learn about a variety of information related to our current study.

Small Groups: During Small group time we will engage in literacy or math activities related to our study. We will also be using this time to work on fine motor skills to craft an item related to our study.

Centers: Students explore areas such as dramatic play, blocks, table toys, library, science, art, and writing. These centers will have activities related to the studies that we are focused on during the month. Children will be playing in the center on their own.

Circle Time: We use this circle time to conduct a read aloud and introduce our social-skills curriculum.

Clean Up: The students learn to take care of their classroom space by cleaning up with a song! All of the students help each other clean all of the spaces in the classroom.

Outdoor Play/ Movement Activity: Students will go outside to enjoy the fresh air and playground. Sometimes, we will have fun toys to bring outside with us to engage in group games and new activities. We will also do movement activities, such as yoga, that relate to our study or offer our children a brain break.
