Community Development

Post date: May 03, 2019 6:32:34 PM


The Building Department is working through its annual permit survey. Building permits are closed when either a Certificate of Occupancy or a Certificate of Final Inspection is issued. The Department is looking through records as we do each spring to follow up with folks who have open building permits and no recent inspections. If you have had work done and are either paused, or have not received a final inspection please reach out to Sarah Hurlbut at Town Hall. We will also be contacting folks to check in on these projects if we do not hear from them.

The department is also gearing up for a big construction season and is working through plan reviews on many larger residential projects. We still anticipate high volume but are starting to see the impact of the continued high price of lumber and other building materials as well as supply shortages. Over the preceding 30 days in 2020 the department issued 83 building permits, on this reporting period for 2021 we have issued 156 permits, an 88% increase.


Jeff Kennedy continues to see a high volume of Title 5 septic inspections due the high volume of real estate transactions. Jeff and the Board of Health also met with the Williamstown Theater Festival on Thursday the 8th to discuss plans for the WTF summer theater season.


Maximillian and Mass DOT have started work on the bike path. MassDOT has agreed to share construction updated with the town and we will be posting them to the Town website. Please stay away from the construction zone during work hours. Folks may continue to recreate along the river after 4PM and on weekends but may not disturb the construction site, any equipment, or any survey markers.

The Planning Board meets on Tuesday the 13th for a public hearing on the cannabis bylaw proposal.

The Zoning Board meets on Thursday the 15th to continue looking at a cell tower for Oblong Road.