Mount Greylock Community Discussion

Post date: Jun 05, 2020 12:33:35 PM

To our Mount Greylock Community,

Let us say, unequivocally, that the Mount Greylock Regional School District stands with all families in our community, but particularly in this moment with our families of color. We denounce the over-policing of black and brown people, and we denounce the extra-judicial killing of black and brown people by police. Our hearts go out to the families and friends of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, David McAtee, and many others. We stand with all individuals who believe in the rights of all people to be free and to live as equals in an inclusive, diverse, and just society. And we will fight to make sure that all of our children can live and grow safely and peacefully in this community.

With courage, conviction, and resolve to be the community we need, we must all listen to our community members of color, who are most affected by the threat of violence by the police, and we must face the realities of the American history of racism.

To that end, I am inviting our collective community to participate in a discussion with the Williamstown and Lanesborough town administration, police departments and district administrators on Monday, June 8 at 9:45 a.m. through a Zoom webinar.

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Here we will discuss ways we can support anti-racism policies and education. You can send your questions in advance of the meeting by Friday, June 5 at 8:00 p.m. by emailing

Participants will include:

Superintendent of Schools - Kimberley Grady

District Administration Team members

School Committee Chair - Christina Conry

Lanesborough Town Manager - Kelli Robbins

Lanesborough Chief of Police - Tim Sorrell

Williamstown Town Manager - Jason Hoch

Williamstown Police - Lt. Mike Ziemba

Moderator - Mary MacDonald

In solidarity,

Superintendent Kimberley Grady

MGRSD Administration

MGRSD DEI Advisory Group