Outdoor serving of alcohol for licensed establishments

Post date: Jun 04, 2020 4:56:22 PM

The ABCC has allowed for expedited approval for temporary outdoor serving of alcohol by licensed premises through November 1. All sites do not need an extensive expansion of premises approval as would usually be required. Simply they need to provide a plan for location of seating and signify acceptance of the patio guidelines which will apply.

To that end, we've set up a new permitting choice in our online permitting program that all restaurants and licensees use for their other annual approvals (via our website - Online Permitting and at https://williamstownma.viewpointcloud.com/categories/1084). It provides a chance to submit the plan and any other minimal necessary information. We would like to review these quickly with approval coming through the Town Manager's office (noting that Deb Turnbull handles all of the inbound licensing materials and prepares recommendations for the Board in routine local licensing authority applications.)

I am seeking the Board's approval to authorize me to approve these temporary outdoor expansion of premises applications.