Community Development

Post date: May 03, 2019 6:32:34 PM


Ryan and Travis have been busy conducting follow ups for liquor license holders. Progress on CDE, Ft. Bradshaw, and North Science Center continues. No major issues have occurred during this reporting period.


Jeff has been conducting rental and restaurant inspections and will be working through barn inspections this week. He is also pursuing a complaint against the tobacco license held by the Gulf Mart on Main Street in conjunction with the Board of Health and the Police Department.


Planning Board meets Tuesday to continue working on several possible bylaw changes. Reforms to non conforming building rules, cannabis regulation, and lighting are all being pursued.

Conservation Commission will hear from a group of Williams students Thursday on how to improve carbon sequestration on town lands.

The Town has awarded a contract for asbestos abatement at 330 Cole Avenue to Ultimate Abatement of Plainfield Mass.