DPW Storm Water

Post date: Jan 08, 2020 8:59:40 PM

The requirements for study, documentation and system evaluation and the associated documentation for wastewater systems continues to expand. Over the years, Williamstown has had a fairly rigorous program of identifying and repairing inflow and infiltration weaknesses in the collection system. In fact, this work has managed to reduce a significant amount of "non-sewer" water going into the sewer system over the years. Nevertheless, the requirements continue to become more vigorous across the state, regardless of size of system and past practices.

To that end, and generally consistent with practices of EPA and DEP, the plan for compliance for the current set of requirements is captured in this Administrative Order. We have reviewed with DEP and consulting engineers and there is a manageable and acceptable workplan. It will certainly generate more expense but the end result are all sound operating practices, albeit with more reporting and documentation (hence the cost), then we have had in the recent past. The expenses are one of the reasons that we maintain a reserve fund, so compliance with this is not expected to have a meaningful impact on the sewer rate.

The Board is the authorizing body to sign this document. Tim Kaiser's memo provides a little further background and he will be at the meeting on Monday to answer any questions.