Council on Aging

Post date: Jan 28, 2019 6:45:25 PM

The annual Open Enrollment Period for 2019 will close on December 7th. Individuals who are interested in changing their Medicare supplemental coverage, enrolling in a plan or cancelling coverage should act before the window closes in December. Individuals with questions should contact the WCOA at 458.8250 and an appointment with a certified SHINE Counselor will be arranged. The days are growing short to act so please think about it.

The next Open Enrollment will begin on October 15th, 2020.

The COA sponsored AARP Tax Aide program returns to the Harper Center ihn February 2020 and more information regarding dates and scheduling will come in December. In the meanwhile the program which offers an opportunity for individuals of moderate means to have their income taxes completed and filed for free is looking for a few volunteers. The program covers all of North County. If you have a head for numbers, aren't afraid of computers and are looking to do some meaningful volunteer work, this program may be what you're looking for. Training and support is provided, Interested people can contact the COA at 458.8250. We'll take it from there.

Bret Beattie and Amanda Chilson from the Community Coalition will offer a demonstration on the use of trekking poles (informally called walking poles) at 1:00 on Tuesday November 19 at the Harper Center. Walking with trekking poles is more aerobic than just walking, it activates 90% of body muscle, burns more calories, helps to improve balance, tones muscle while strengthening core muscles as well. This is a one off primer , a formal trekking program with guided walks will follow in the spring.

Superbug is a term used to describe strains of bacteria who've evolved to become resistant to most antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance is a natural adaptation by bacteria, inshort they develop resistance to drugs designed to kill them to insure their survival. This is a problem for everyone but some populations including elders are particularly susceptible. On Friday November 22, Sarah Kline from Amedisys Health will be at Harper to address the issue. Pizza at noon, conversation with Sarah at 1:00. Oh. It's National Antibiotic Awareness month...

Finally, a change of date note, the Loss Support Group will now meet on Thursday afternoons from 2:00 to 3:30 in the Harper Center classroom.