Changes to upcoming meeting schedule

Post date: Aug 14, 2019 7:20:50 PM

Jeffrey Thomas

7:58 AM (36 minutes ago)

to Select, me, Jason

See below.

The default 2nd-and-4th-Monday schedule held two conflicts with federal holidays (Veterans Day 2019 and Memorial Day 2020), and had us meeting during the weeks of Thanksgiving and Christmas. The schedule below resolves all of that. We would meet just once between November 18 and January 13. If a time-sensitive matter arises, we may need a special meeting. Recall there may also be a Special Town Meeting this fall to approve changes related to the bike trail project (cross your fingers!)

I checked with Tim Carr about a conflict with PARAC's meetings, which have been held on first and third Mondays in the SB room. Tim assured me that it was no problem for his committee to yield the slot to the SB. PARAC is nearly finished with data collection and are now shifting towards analysis. Tim plans a concomitant shift in meeting timing and cadence. Tim will update the Select Board on PARAC's progress at our 9/23 meeting.

At our September 9 meeting we will appoint a Williamstown representative to the Mohawk Trails Woodland Partnership. If you know folks who may be interested in serving, please direct them to the Citizen's Activity Form: