Reappoint Board and Committee Members

Post date: Jun 12, 2019 5:35:28 PM

Reappointment of Board and Committee Members for positions appointed by Select Board and notification of reappointments for positions appointed by Town Manager.

There also some vacancies as terms have ended and people have opted not to continue (or positions are currently vacant). We are looking for interested residents to fill those positions as well as generally seeking interest from people for all committees and boards. From time to time during the year, vacancies can occur and it is often challenging to engage interest just through mentions at a meeting and posting on website. The hope is that people who have an interest in serving fill out a Citizen Activity Form which can allow them to indicate multiple committees for which they may be interested so we have those available on a rolling basis. Hopefully, we will be successful in hearing from interested residents now and we will be in a position to consider appointments by the end of July.

Citizen Activity Form is on the website at the bottom of the Boards and Committees Page and is also linked here

Board and Committee Renewals 2019