Municipal & Regional Administration Policy Committee

Post date: Apr 10, 2020 8:23:46 PM

From Andy Hogeland - thoughts on remote town meeting?

From: Brittney Franklin <>

Date: April 10, 2020 at 4:02:19 PM EDT

To: Brittney Franklin <>

Subject: Recap - Municipal and Regional Administration Policy Committee - April 7

Dear Members of the Municipal and Regional Administration Policy Committee,

Thank you for joining our first virtual policy committee meeting! A couple of items that were on my list to follow-up with you all on.

First, attached you'll find testimony MMA submitted on S. 2602 and H. 4611 An Act relative to health hazard duty for your records.

Second, on the call, Andy Hogeland mentioned a Court ordered that authorized attorneys and represented parties to electronically sign documents. The link to the Order is here for your reference:

Third, I wanted to share with you a new draft of the remote town meeting language. Thank you so much for the emails and the great discussion on the call. This language comes directly from Senate Ways and Means, so it does look like they will be considering this in short order. I will keep you updated as this moves.

Fourth, we spoke briefly about the virtual economic roundtable hearing that was supposed to happen earlier in the morning of our call, but was later cancelled due to technical issues. It has been rescheduled for April 14th at 10AM and can be watched live here:

Finally, I promised to re-connect all the subgroups so we can continue conversations regarding ideas for best practices, resolution, standing policy and new legislation. I will reach out to all subgroups early next week. I am more than happy to set up zoom calls and join/participate/assist in any way that is helpful. If you aren't a member of a particular working group yet, please let me know which one you would like to be on and I'll make sure to include you in an email next week.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 5th. In all likelihood, this will also be a virtual call, but I'll be in touch with more details in the coming weeks. In the meantime, please stay safe and healthy!




Brittney Franklin

Senior Legislative Analyst

One Winthrop Square