Council on Aging

Post date: Jan 28, 2019 6:45:25 PM

I'd like to begin this report by extending sincere thanks to the individuals including staff members at the Williamstown Council on Aging who have gone "out there" to help sustain Williamstown elders safely during the COViD-19 pandemic. We would not be able to accomplish anything without their dedication and support.


Since the first weeks of this new reality we have focused on providing support primarily for individuals with compromised health and underlying medical issues making it relatively unsafe for them to journey out for routine business. Subsequently we have focused on life supporting activities with all other considerations cast aside temporarily suspended to a degree.

From the Harper Center we have coordinated shopping expeditions by volunteers or staff to purchase and deliver groceries to temporarily homebound elders.Initially there was reluctance to accept assistance with shopping, many people had indicated that they had done large order shopping and were sufficiently stocked. After a couple weeks stocks dwindle and help becomes an acceptable option. Subsequently the numbers have grown in the last week There have been occasional adventures with check cashing and the use of SNAP coupons (also known as food stamps) otherwise the shopping expeditions have gone without incident. Additionally we are currently able to retrieve medications for people from Stop and Shop as the pharmacy is now willing to allow individuals who are not the recipient nor family to pick medications up and deliver temporarily. Individuals interested in this assistance should contact Brian at the COA, 458.8250 and please note that we will be reluctant to deliver major narcotics. Blood Pressure suppressants, fine, Oxcycodiene, not so much.

The COA van remains in operation to facilitate shopping and medical transportation as needed. The access to the van is currently restricted to no more than 2 riders at any time and we require passengers to wear masks while aboard. Riders will also be screened for viral symptoms as a precaution as well. We do have a small supply of masks donated by local mask makers...The van is completely disinfected several times weekly, and we thank Kim Grady for loaning her disinfecting contractor to us for this operation.

We have also facilitated the delivery of other hot meals and food supplies from other community agencies engaged in general community support across North County. We have remained a significant source of information and referral through many daily telephone contacts and frequent informational updates sent electronically and posted on the COA and Town FB pages as well as in hardcopy form where able. In addition, we have provided a limited amount of telephone reassurance calls to isolated individuals we have become concerned about. Conversely, we also have been providing solace and comfort to other individuals, normally living alone but now isolated and alone, who have called us.

And yes, the business of being a human service agency continues, just differently. We've helped people complete and file essential paperwork, applications for service, insurance paper, etc, remotely. We've made referrals to other agencies for assistance-Elder Services Berkshire and the Veterans Agent for example. Routine stuff handled in an unusual manner.

We've also tried to bring some of our programming out to our participants via recording. Mary Edgerton and Jane Jezouit have completed and we've posted Yoga and Exercise programs electronically. Youlin Shi, our tai Chi instructor, is making one as well. More to follow!

So, life under Coronavirus is weird but it goes on. Outside of individuals who are institutionalized, we are unaware of members of the community elder population who have been stricken with the virus. Everyone is playing by the new normal rules, observing social distancing and wearing masks in public when necessary. I was at Stop and Shop myself Saturday and saw quite a few members of our older generation shopping in gloves and masks. One person told me that it resembled a bandit conference...

Now, should there be anyone out there who is isolated or in need of a bit of assistance, we can be reached at 413.458.8250.Tell them to call or refer yourselves. We'll help somehow.