Power aggregation

Post date: Feb 25, 2021 2:23:29 PM

Good morning –

We just wanted to update you following yesterday’s public hearing. It was rather uneventful, as expected. I saw some familiar names on the attendee list, which is great.

The next step should be for the DPU to issue what they call Discovery, which is a bunch of questions on each Town’s Plan. Colonial will prepare the answers for those and coordinate responses to the DPU via our attorney. Then, we wait for Orders but, as you know, that’s out of our hands. DPU Orders have been taking anywhere from 12-18 months lately but there’s always the hope that the DPU is able to speed up the process and return to the days when Orders were issued in 6-9 months. That’s especially true of amendments for existing programs, like yours. We’ll keep you posted with respect to developments.

In the meantime, please let us know if you have any questions.

