Water Street

Post date: Sep 18, 2018 7:26:42 PM

From Mass DOT 9/28

Due to the recent onslaught of inclement weather here in the Berkshires, the paving on Water St. has unfortunately been pushed back a week. The schedule now (weather permitting) will be as follows;

    • 10/9 - Fine grading of gravel base and prep for Dense Graded Crushed Stone

    • 10/10 - Placement of 4" DGCS

    • 10/11 - Pave 3" intermediate course

    • 10/12 - Pave 2" intermediate course

Next week C & A will continue with full depth excavation and placement of gravel sub-base. During this time we will continue to monitor the road and touch up rough spots, potholes and driveways to make it somewhat easier on the traveling public. Also please note that there will be no work on the project from Friday, October 5th at 12:00pm until Tuesday, October 9th at 7:00am due to the holiday weekend. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

From Mass DOT 10/12

Paving of the first base layer was planned to be completed today (Friday, 10/12). However, due to quality conditions, this plan has changed. Just wanted to let you know in case of phone calls. Plans are to resume next week, weather dependent.