Office of Inspector General Training videos

Post date: Jun 29, 2018 4:58:39 PM

In keeping with its mission to prevent fraud, waste and abuse, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has produced two new training videos for public officials. Available free and on-line, the short videos detail key information on two essential government functions: serving effectively on a public board or commission and best practices for administering public contracts.

“Training and education are cornerstones of the Office’s mission and we are committed to widening the scope of our educational programs,” said Inspector General Glenn A. Cunha. “These new videos expand on the array of courses the OIG provides to ensure our government functions effectively and public funds are spent responsibly.”

In How to be an Effective Public Board and Commission Member, you will learn:

    • The role of public board members

    • Your legal obligations

    • How to protect your organization

Contract Administration for Public Employees will give you an overview of:

    • The preparation needed for successful contract administration

    • How to manage your jurisdiction’s contract

    • Protecting your jurisdiction in the event something goes wrong

For additional information about our Office, including our training programs, please visit us at or email us at