End of fiscal year

Post date: Jul 02, 2018 8:22:11 PM

The end of June brings the end of the fiscal year. Generally, departments try to close out loose ends, organize purchases/commitments for things that have been deferred during the rest of the year in case something pressing/unforeseen arises. This year has been more interesting than most with the prospect of school regionalization -- tying up a variety of loose ends related to account and practices for this has taken some additional attention. Some of the "stranded funds," like the dog tax and the sale of tax deeded property from earlier this year, have been another area where the Accounting Department and Department Heads have been focused. In most of these cases, these are smaller amounts than what we released at Town Meeting and the effort has been to allocate appropriate existing expenses to those lines -- each remaining fund has to be itemized and updated at year end and year beginning; this has been a time consuming exercise with little benefit, so reducing the recurring volume of these will be helpful in the future.