Water Street update

Post date: Apr 24, 2018 5:56:46 PM

Opportunity arose for prep work fairly quickly for general contractor. Sidewalks should be restored to paving by end of April. Then throughout the summer, the remainder of the utility work will be incidental (see note below). Working with DOT Project Engineer to get regular weekly update so we can advise community of status.

Week of May 7

C&A Construction will be on site for one another week it sounds like working on the drainage. Monday they will work on a few drainage structures down by the golf course and then will be working on crossings from catch basins on the west side of the street. They will be running out of things to do until all of the utilities are finished with their work. Paving took place today. Next week there will be temporary patches across the road and paving will likely commence again on Friday for the weekend.

JS RAE will also be jumping around on Monday working on tying in some gas lines. They will then continue with progress down the center of the street.

My hope is that National Grid will be on site on Monday and they will start framing up their new poles and working on moving lines over for the next few weeks.


Verizon is hoping around and placing new poles at require locations. They have been unable to tell me what they have planned unless they show up.

JS Rae (Berkshire Gas) is working on installing their new 4" main, down the center of the roadway. They will be down in front of the Cable Mills entrance in a few days, and police details will be on site to assist with exiting and entering traffic.

C&A construction will be working on drainage crossings in a few days. This work will require trenching across the road and a one lane setup. Exact Location to be determined. Hot Mix sidewalks are also planned.

National Grid will follow Verizon and will start moving their equipment off of old UTL poles and onto the newly installed poles.