High School gym open

Post date: Jan 29, 2018 2:55:39 PM

Below are a few videos from the gym as well as the letter that went out to families.



First Students


First Basketball Shot


Dear Mount Greylock Community,

It is with great pleasure that we announce that the new gymnasium is completed and will be available for physical education and athletics. The space is beautiful and functional; it will support the needs of students during PE courses and after school for practices and events.

Many local people had a hand in the gym’s design including the Wellness Faculty, Athletic Director, Facilities Manager, AV/Technology Director, and coaches. We are grateful for all their ideas and their collaboration with the designers from Perkins Eastman and members of Turner Construction Company and their subcontractors. Renovations like this one do not happen easily nor without much creative problem solving. We are also very grateful for the guidance provided by town officials in the Office of Community Development and the Williamstown Fire Chief.

Close behind the gymnasium will be the opening of the locker rooms. We look forward to sending you news of that date soon. Until then, thank you for all of your patience, support and good will. We’ll see you at the gym soon.

Kind regards,

Kimberley Grady, Interim Superintendent

Mary MacDonald, Principal