Public Works

Post date: Jun 22, 2017 4:22:33 PM

Ide Road paving is complete. Loaming and seeding behind curbs will begin next week.

Sand Springs/Bridges Paving schedule – No schedule to report at this time. We are waiting for our paving contractor to give us dates when they are available.

Spruces walking trail – the DPW has mowed a trail around the perimeter of the Spruces property at the request of the Spruces Reuse Committee, and is scheduled to mow it again tomorrow (6/22). Additional mowing will occur at that time in the vicinity of the newly placed trash cans in the park to provide picnicking areas.

Line painting was completed on June 20. Crosswalk refreshing will occur in the next couple of weeks.

Storm Damage 6/19 heavy rains – We were very fortunate to have incurred very little storm damage as a result of the heavy rains and high winds that occurred on Monday, 6/19. Damage was limited to a couple of blown down trees and some minor roadside erosion.

Cold Spring Road Main Pump Station – The Sewer Department and contractor Williamson Electric recently completed the refitting of the Cold Spring Road main pump station located at 505 Cold Spring Road. The work included the replacement of the original circa 1984 equipment including the control panel, wiring and all internal piping. The project was completed in two days at a cost of $24,955.40 with no disruption in service.