Community Development

Post date: May 23, 2016 12:48:13 PM


The Building Department is very busy thus far in June. We have already issued over 100 Permits totaling over $6 Million in Construction costs and generating $75,000 in permit fees in the first three weeks of the month. In May, over $57 Million in construction was permitted and approximately 100 permits issued.

The work on the High School is proceeding as structural framing was approved on the new 3 story building, floors were poured and wall framing has begun. The roof on the gymnasium has undergone a major overhaul and plans were addressed for how to hand the gym safely back over to the school when the time comes.

The college has numerous sites under construction / renovation at this time including the final stage for construction of the new College Bookstore and applying the exterior finish to the walls at the new Science Center Building. Goodrich Hall is also under construction as well as renovations to Doughty House and Mears House. Graduation and Reunion Ceremonies required numerous tents, stages and bleachers to be inspected for safety as well as, spill over areas and rain day seating indoors as well.

There has been an enormous amount of residential renovation taking place and progress on new structures as well such as; 700 Northwest Hill Rd, 255 Hancock Rd and 31 Sabin Dr. Also of note, Ryan and the sub-trade inspectors met with the design team for the 430 Main hotel this week.

Starting on July 1 the Building Department including sub-trades will be leaving the Full Circle Technologies Permit Eyes System. The Town will be implementing ViewPoint Government Solutions which is a very user friendly online permit management solution that can, in time, be scaled to include all Town Departments. There will be a brief period of time in July between systems and Town Staff is currently working on plans to cover this gap. The Department of Community Development is very excited about this next chapter in offering user friendly online services to our community.


Jeff Kennedy has been witnessing Title 5 inspections. Inspections are required as part of a home sale.

Margaret Lindley Park beach continues to have excellent water quality, based upon weekly bacterial testing.

Jeff Kennedy will be beginning swimming pool and recreational camps for children inspections.

Jeff Kennedy has continued inspecting food establishments and rental dwelling units.


The Planning Board met on June 13 and has elected Chris Kapiloff as Chair, Susan Puddester as Vice Chair, Chris Winters as representative to the CPA Committee, and Amy Jeschawitz as BRPC Representative.

The Town has received four grants this month for planning and development purposes, funding from FEMA for an update to the Town's Hazard Mitigation Plan a critical document that allows the Town to be eligible for grants from FEMA. Without the current approved plan the Spruces Grant would not have been possible. The Hazard Plan must be updated every 5 years. An additional grant addressing the Town's vulnerability to climate change will assist in informing this process.

The Planning Board received DLTA grant funding and has begun work with BRPC on studying possible zoning changes to promote agriculture.

The Town, on behalf of Berkshire Housing Corp has received an EPA Grant for $200,000 which will allow Berkshire Housing to full remediate hazardous materials remaining in the "Cube" building at 330 Cole Avenue. Andrew will be attending a training on Wednesday June 28 in Chelmsford to learn more about administering the grant.