Gendron re Fire District

Post date: Jun 07, 2017 8:12:39 PM

Williamstown Selectmen

WilliamstownTown Manager

The Prudential Committee and Clerk

Williamstown Planning Board Chairman

Williamstown Finance Committee Chairman

Williamstown Fire Department

Gale Hose Company (Please forward to members)

Village Ambulance Chair

Good morning,

Please share this email with your board's members. This is a project that I have taken upon myself for the time being to help positively engage the community with our Fire District's leaders and their needs.

I met with John Notsley of the Prudential Committee on Monday and offered my help in essentially what I see as a revitalization of 1/3 of our Public Safety arm of protection. As our Prudential Committee moves forward in time like the rest of all of us, I have ongoing concerns over the loss of the Prudential's collective and extensive 'all things WFD' and also their personal legacies. Like all organizations, finding people interested or having the time to take on public leadership roles is difficult and I think more so for firefighting. In fact, we know that even filling the ranks of our fire department is difficult. However, in that coffee meeting, I was told that we now have two Williams Students again and suddenly I feel somewhat more encouraged as I write this. What I find so significant in this news is that once again we see Williams in some form or another helping their community. Yet despite this good news, we all know that we are headed possibly to an expensive Paid Force which will require expensive Paid Force infrastructure within the next decade if we do not help the Fire District in a profound manner. Should we wish to keep the legacy and affordable financial integrity of the district intact, we will need to embrace our similarities as well as our differences as two taxing authorities. We will need to create a spirit of cooperation that makes our people safe with organizational backing and equipment, being prepared for as many threats that nature or even our fellow persons may bring upon us. Paramount 'now' over the infrastructure needs, we must begin to raise the pay of our firefighters to the level of a professional wage, as well as paying them for training time. These folks work hard and in changing dangerous conditions. We need to use all tools to retain them and also to pay respect to them with appropriate affordable remuneration.

My thoughts on moving the needle with our Prudential Committee's needs are twofold. First, we must reach out as town officials with as much support as we can for the preservation of this institution. Secondly, after helping the Fire District codify the organization, we must make a decision to support infrastructure that meets the contemporary needs of its mission.

How can we help? We must help the district with the creation of a Charter and bylaws. We must help the district with articulating its needs and vision. We must encourage everyone to be less complacent about our firefighting community and firehouse. They need our help. We must collectively set the district on a path for the remainder of this century, a century that clearly from its beginnings has presented us with so many new challenges heretofore unheard of. Do I need to list Climate Change, Terrorism, Population Upheavals, Displacement of Workers and so on and on?

We are not immune to the troubles of the world, our bubble isn't that big. With Climate Change alone we will see new challenges for our firefighters and police. It would not be a stretch to envision the unimaginable in an isolated incident at our high school or college. I would argue that in many ways we are not prepared and it has been evidently clear that supporting our Prudential Committee as it moves into a new era is one of our most basic and necessary needs and duty as public servants.

With that said, I set forth ideas that I asked John to take to the Prudential so that we could begin a process to codify the organization's rules, operation, and mission. We must widen our message of support. We must strengthen our resolve for procedures to make our department continue inclusion and recruiting efforts. We must make voting easier for everyone and build up the institutions within the district that all collectively form this arm of Public Safety.

It is abundantly clear to all, that before we can as a whole town (both governments) embrace infrastructure needs, we must at the very least get some things on the books. We cannot build with bricks and mortar first that which we cannot build with words and ideas set down and codified beforehand. Below are items that I raised with John to accomplish codification and marketing of the district. I have made revisions and so if you have seen any of this, please take another look:

A revision of an outline from the agenda of Monday, June 5th, 7 am Tunnel City between Dan Gendron and John Notsley.

1.) Agreement to move the FD Annual Meeting to the elementary school, with or without linkage to Town Meeting (although a Joint Meeting is preferred). Immediately increases awareness of the FD, especially if held as joint meeting or one before the other. Objective: Increase Awareness and allow for all voices and ears to participate in one of our oldest organizations.

2.) If a Special Town Meeting is called for the Police station purchase/plan, a Special FD Joint Meeting to be called to endorse the project in the framework of Public Safety - shows unity and advertises the FD. Objective: Fidelity. Fidelity to the overall town at large is what we all strive for. We must strive for the highest level of protection and support for our Public Safety people. Their well-being and mission are our well-being and our mission. We all should be there to vote for this as a whole. Visibility for our Fire District. This meeting should be celebratory.

3.) Agreement that voting is moved from the fire station to the elementary school. There must be a way to give people 2 Ballots. The FD ballot could be part of the exit process, or there are two ballot collections. Objective: Raises awareness of the FD. (Town Manager looking at logistics. NOTE: I do not think the current building meets code for a Polling Station.) Increases participation.

4.) Move monthly meetings of FD to the Selectman's room. Allows for a more open and familiar atmosphere and discussion area for townspeople. I'd like this room available so that the Prudential is in comfortable space that's easily televised if they so choose. Objective: It raises awareness and more importantly reflects the unity of Town and Fire District.

5.) Immediately raise the pay of firefighters. Start an internal process of a morale boost and at least make the pay attractive for retention as well as recruiting. To think or expect people to put their lives on the line for just the love of an organization is not comprehensive and fruitful. If we say the men and women of Gale Hose Co. are professional, then we must pay them as professionals. No more freebies. Training time to be paid too. If we are a Call department, we should pay as one. Objective: Retention and Recruiting. A public recognition that firefighters are assets and not expenses.

6.) Determine groups to pull into the discussion appropriately that can be helpful in realizing a vast support network. Objective: Recruiting and organizational skills as well as a broader base of inclusion.

7.) Discuss Open Meeting Law. I think that the FD site itself does not facilitate Open Meeting Law. As said, I doubt that the building even meets polling station code requirements. Objective: Bring the voting and meeting apparatus to the public if need be.

8.) Form a subcommittee with a Prudential member, Gale Hose Co. member, Town Planning Board member, Citizen and College Representative for the purpose of creating a Charter and Bylaws to govern the FD. Objective: Codify what we do as a Fire District before we begin with infrastructure. Then, and only then, may we logically and soundly solve the infrastructure problem.

9.) A stated and written memo of understanding proclaiming a willingness of all to objectively look at any and all options and not have a preconceived answer from anyone. To put a time frame in the process of all steps. The agreement reflects the outline of events here as well as those that we may agree to following further discussions by all people. Objective: Consensus. Mission refinement. Clarity. Support!

I am asking all that have received this to consider it and comment. I also ask that we not forget about VAS and support whatever it takes to maintain ambulance and medical services rolling to the vast area our town spreads over.

Thank you,




Daniel N. Gendron