Community Development

Post date: May 23, 2016 12:48:13 PM


Ryan and Tim have been busy working on progress inspections. With graduation and alumni weekend there have been a large amount of tent inspections. Plan reviews are underway for Spencer House, CDE, and Goodrich Hall. A foundation was also poured for a new home on Hancock Road this past week and the replacement of the roof and Lawrence Hall has begun. The Bookstore is nearing completion and the Science Center continues to progress.


Jeffery has been working on camp and rental inspections and with drier weather has done some perc tests.


Zoning Board met on May 18 and denied a special permit for a proposed hotel at 562 Main Street.

Planning Board will meet on Tuesday June 13 to reorganize and discuss next steps for the neighborhood housing zoning project, reorganization, and other projects.

Amy Jeschawitz and Andrew Groff attended the Massachusetts Housing Institute Conference on Thursday June 8 and presented the results of the work completed so far on housing policy and zoning reform for Williamstown. They will be meeting with Berkshire Regional Planning on Tuesday June 13 to discuss terms of the DLTA grant received to assist the town with community outreach on agricultural zoning.

Andrew will be attending the Mass Planning Directors Conference Thursday and Friday June 15 & 16 and will be sitting on a panel discussing open space preservation projects describing the Conservation Commission's recent efforts on uniting the trail system and management of Stone Hill.