Inspection Revolving Fund

Post date: Mar 21, 2017 2:54:42 PM

As we have reviewed new opportunities enabled by the Municipal Modernization Act, one area to assist in our accounting and budgeting would be creation of an inspection revolving fund. This would put the fees received for gas, electric and plumbing inspections into a separate fund from which we could pay the inspectors. This would NOT change the fee structure currently in place, but rather give us greater flexibility in managing the variable expenses and revenues associated with this function. Currently, we make our best guesses in terms of revenue and expenses and these can be significantly impacted by the nature of construction that is pending in any given year (picture dorms, major classroom facilities, hotels, etc.) Andrew and Ryan have also been exploring strategies to enhance some of the trades inspectors we have available in order to be able to continue to cover inspections in a timely manner. Since the economy is improving, it can be more challenging to find available inspectors in the trades.

Anna has reviewed with DOR and this is the likely article that we will be including on the warrant:

To see if the Town will vote pursuant to M.G.L Chapter 44, § 53E½, to establish an Inspection Services Revolving Fund for Fiscal Year 2018 and subsequent years. The purpose of this fund shall be to pay compensation of part-time inspectors performing gas, electric and plumbing inspections and expenses, supplies and administrative costs related to those inspections. The fund will be credited with receipts from fees charged and received by the Building Commissioner for gas, electric and plumbing inspections. The Building Commissioner shall be authorized to expend from this fund but at no time exceeding more than the available balance in the revolving fund nor to expend more than $65,000 per year