Council on Aging

Post date: Mar 01, 2016 9:12:33 PM

WTF Event at Harper Center

An open conversation about Crossroads!

Williamstown Theatre Festival artists and creators of “Orpheus in the Berkshires” Lucy Thurber and Laura Savia will lead a 90 minute theatre workshop with community members. The workshop will include a group discussion about personal and geographic “crossroads” and will touch on playwriting and acting. NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! This will be fun for everyone! This workshop is part of the Williamstown Theatre Festivals Community Engagement Initiative which makes plays for and by the Berkshires. ALL ARE WELCOME-November 1st 6:00-7:30 pm, the Harper Center , 118 Church Street. For further information, contact the Council on Aging at 458.8250.

Representatives of the Massachusetts Senior Medicare Patrol (MASMP) will be at the Harper Center on Tuesday October 18 to discuss strategies on how to protect, detect and report health care errors, fraud and abuse. Did you know that $60 to $90 Billion are lost to Medicare fraud each year? It’s a problem folks so join us in a conversation on how to protect yourself. Chicken and smashed potatoes for lunch first at noon, conversation at 12:30. Reservations for the food please, 458.8250-the conversation with MASMP is open to the public.

If you’re a Medicare Advantage plan subscriber or have a Medicare Prescription Drug plan you should have received information via mail at least by the end of September and if you have not, please let the COA know at 458.8250. The information explains changes in these programs going forward so if you have paper on this subject, please do not throw it out!

The annual open enrollment period, where you can make changes in your personal plan or enroll in new options for yourself runs from October 15th until December 7th this year. Individuals needing assistance with health insurance changes, initiating policies or the general alphabet soup which comprises insurance can find that by calling the COA at 458.8250 and we’ll arrange an appointment with our SHINE insurance counsellors.

Davis Bates is a Parents Choice Award winning performer who has been telling stories for almost 40 years. He will be at the Harper Center on Tuesday October 25 presenting a program entitled “Halloween Harvest: Seasonal Stories and Songs”. The program will include stories and songs from the past and present, Native American stories, ghost stories and family stories. He’ll also offer a short seminar in how to play music with spoons from the kitchen drawer.

Davis will talk with us at 1:00, preceded by a luncheon at 12:30-reservations for the luncheon can be made by calling the COA at 458.8250. The performance with Davis itself is free and open to all.

Davis comes to us courtesy of a grant from the Northern Berkshire Cultural Council. Thanks friends!

Memory café is a new concept and it may not be exactly what you think it is. It’s a place where people with memory issues and their care people can go and socialize, have fun and relax in the company of others who are going through the same thing that they are experiencing. Cafes are serious efforts to connect memory impaired people and their caregivers with a fun experience. BFAIR, a local sister agency serving folks with disabilities recently contacted the COA and asked if we’d like to partner with them in a grant driven café effort. Of course we would! So we’ll be offering Memory café activity at the Harper Center for an initial trial of three dates, the first being Tuesday October 18 from 9-11. This is an excellent opportunity to share similar experiences with others who can relate directly. And yes, there will be coffee and snacks. Open to all.