AG second extension re Waubeeka

Post date: Sep 28, 2016 1:57:38 PM

Joel Bard to me,, Andrew

Sep 27

Hi Jason

Thank you. I will inform the Attorney General’s office.

The second extension request is not common but I have seen it before. Based on my conversation with the Assistant Attorney General, I believe there are two reasons for the delay. They have received several letters challenging the bylaw (including a second one from Cain, Hibbard, which I had not seen but will be emailed to me), which usually causes them to take a closer look at the bylaw. The second reason would be that the challenged wording of the bylaw is indeed unusual. That doesn’t make it improper or “illegal”, but it would be cause for closer examination – and scrutiny within the AG’s office beyond the normal circle of reviewers.

That said, I did not hear anything in the conversation that leads me to believe that the bylaw, or some language in the bylaw, would be disapproved, only that they are closely analyzing it.


Kopelman and Paige is now KP | LAW

Joel B. Bard, Esq.

From: Jason Hoch []

Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 2:31 PM

To: Joel Bard

Cc:; Andrew Groff

Subject: Re: Waubeeka zoning - further extension request

Joel -

OK with me to grant another extension. Curious how unusual it may be to have an additional extension - any other indication of what is behind the delay?



On Sep 27, 2016, 11:49 AM -0400, Joel Bard <>, wrote:

Hi Jason

I hope all is well with you. I just had a call from the Attorney General’s office requesting another 30-day extension of their deadline to review the Waubeeka Zoning Bylaw amendment voted at the Annual Town Meeting. As before, I recommend granting the extension.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
