1.  What are the five basic colors of the map? 

        Black, red, brown, green, blue

2.  What does each color of the map stand for? 

       Black- man made building, Red- highways, Brown- elevation/landscape, Green- vegetation, Blue- water

3.  How is the map read? 

       Right, up

4.  What do you do after applying a tourniquet? 

       Mark victims head with a T

5.  What are the 4 lifesaving steps of first aid? 

       Clear the airway, stop the bleeding, check and treat for shock, dress and bandage the wound

6.  What is the purpose of first aid?

       To prevent further disabilities

7.  What is the proper protocol when you receive a salute? 

      Return the salute

8.  What do you do when you are in uniform and the colors pass you? 

       Salute until they pass you by 6 paces

9.  Explain the 15 count Manual of Arms: 

        Right shoulder, left shoulder, present, and order

10.  What is the Army Marching speed (in beats per minute)? 

          120 steps per minute

11.  What is courage? 

         To face fear and danger

12.  Name 3 citizenship skills. 

         Cooperation, patience, fairness, respect, strength, self-improvement, balance

13.  What is one of the 7 Army Values? 

         Loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor,  integrity, personal courage.

14.  When was the Army established? 

          June 14, 1775

15.  What does TRADOC stand for?

          Training Army Document Command

16.  How many House of Representatives do we have? 


17.  What are the 3 branches of government?

          Executive, legislative, and judicial

18.  What do the colors on the U.S flag represent?

          Blue - justice, White - purity, Red - Valor

19.  What are military courtesies? 

          Customs performed in the military to show respect for a certain purpose or service member

20.  Give an example of military courtesy?


21.  What are the 2 parts of command? 

          Preparatory and command of execution

22.  What is the command given after incorrect command is given? 

          As you were

23.  What are the 4 rest positions at the halt? 

          Rest, parade rest, at ease, stand at ease

24.  Name one type of flag. 

          Garrison, Post, Storm

25.  What is the significance of a flag being at half- staff?

          Mourning or dramatic event

26.  What do the 13 stripes on the United States flag represent? 

           The 13 original colonies

 27.  On which foot can you give command of halt? 

           either foot

28.  Name one style of leadership. 

          Delegating, participation, directing

29.  What year was JROTC established and by which ACT? 

          1916, National Defense Act

30.  What is leadership? 

         The ability to influence, lead, or guide others to accomplish a mission to a certain standard

31.  What  are the 3 types of American flags and which one is the largest? 

          Storm, Post, Garrison is the largest

32.  What are the sizes of the flags? 

         Garrison- 20ft by 38ft, Post- 10 ft by 19 ft , storm- 5 ft by 9 1/2 ft

33.  What foot do you call the command Rear, March on? 

         The right foot

34.  Name and describe one of the leadership styles. 

          Participation, delegating, directing 

35.  Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner? 

          Francis Scott Key

36.  What does JROTC stand for?

          Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps

37.  What does LET stand for? 

          Learning Education and Training

38.  What does JCLC stand for? 

         JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge

39.  What does SAI stand for? 

         Senior Army Instructor

40.  What does AI stand for? 

          Army Instructor

41.  What is the mission of JROTC? 

          To motivate young people to become better citizens.

42.  What is the key to success in JROTC? 

          The key to success in JROTC is teamwork.

43.  What are the three levels of distinction that JROTC units can earn?  

          Merit Unit, Honor Unit and Honor Unit with Distinction.

44.  What is not one of the seven leadership values? 


45.  What are the seven leadership values? 

          Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage.

46.  Which is not a leadership principle? 

          Be decisive and use good judgement.

47.  What foot do you call the command Rear, March on? 

         The Right foot

48.  On which foot can you give command of halt? 

          Either foot

49.  Name the five major terrain features on a military map. 

          Hill, saddle, valley, ridge, and depression

50.  What are the three types of North on a Military map? 

          True, Grid, and Magnetic

51.  Define First Aid. 

          The immediate medical care given to an injured or ill victim before professional medical help arrives.

52.  What do the colors on the United States flag represent? 

          Blue- Justice, White- Purity, Red- Valor

53.  What are the four Winning colors and what do they stand for? 

          Red- Adventurer, Blue- Relator, Green- Planner, and Brown- Builder.

54.  What is the correct way to tell someone to march forward? 

          Forward March

55.  What is the difference between Leadership and Delegating?

 Leadership the action of leading a group of people or an organization while Delegating is entrust (a task or responsibility) to another person, typically one who is less senior than oneself.

56.  Where should your nametag go? 

          On the right chest pocket (males) and 1/2 inch above the 2nd button for (women)

57.  What color T- Shirt do you have to wear with the ACU's? 

          sage green

58.  List (3) Core Abilities? 

Build your capacity for life-long learning. Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques. Take responsibility for your actions and choices, Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country, and the world, Treat self and others with respect, Apply critical thinking techniques.

59.  Name the five basic staff positions found in most large military organizations. 

S-1: Administrative

S-2: Information/Security

S-3: Operations and Training

S-4: Logistics and supply

S-5: Public Information

S-6: Technology

60.  Who is the?

Commander- In Chief:  Joe Biden

Secretary Defense: Lloyd Austin 

Secretary of State: Antony Blinken

Secretary of Army: Honorable Christine Wormuth 

Army Chief of Staff: General James C. McConville

Commander Sergeant Major, TRADOC:  Daniel T. Hendrex 

Commanding General, Cadet Command: Major General Antonio (Andy) Munera

Commander, Army JROTC: Colonel Ken Jones

Commander, 4th Brigade: COL Trevor W. Hill

Commander Sergeant Major, 4th Brigade:  CSM Matthew R. Hire

Chief 4th Brigade: Mr. John Sovine