
This course no longer has a Midterm Exam

You will need to bring your notebook, a calculator, and a periodic table with you to the D Block exam period (10:15-11:45 am) on Wednesday January 20st).

The midterm will consist of multiple choice questions from all of the units we have covered so far in class this year. It will be open notebook, so be sure that you have your notebook (along with worksheets and quizzes) organized and up to date prior to the exam to maximize you score. If you do not have your original periodic table, that we colored and added information to, it is important that you remake one. Many questions on the exam are based on your ability to gather information from our adapted periodic table. Below is a list of the units that will make up the exam.

I have also listed the important skills that you should be able to do along with answering content questions. On Thursday January 14th you will have some in class time to work on this, but it is recommended that you start prior to that time. This is due Friday January 15th, and will be gone over during class. Study hard and good luck! I am available for extra help this week during my free blocks and after school.

Midterm Review