8th Grade

Welcome to 8th Grade Physical Education. Students are provided P.E. instruction twice a week for sixty minutes. The program is designed to cover a variety of skill and fitness-related activities to enhance physical well-being. Personal fitness level evaluations on muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, aerobic capacity and body mass index (BMI) are assessed throughout the year including, self-assessments through detailed records and goal setting in personal fitness journals. In addition to the various fitness and motor skills students will be assessed on the fitness, health and nutrition relationship to physical activity through various projects. All nutrition and health assignments are meant to build student awareness of their own well-being promoting healthy habits over a lifetime.

Skill/fitness evaluations and concepts will be posted in the WCS weekly communication as they are assigned. All student grades can be found on Illuminate. For more information, please CLICK HERE for full policy and procedures. For our Locker room policy CLICK HERE.

For more details on specific lessons, tests and other happenings in P.E., check out our weekly WCS newsletter communication every Friday at 4 PM.