Easy Bib How-To
EasyBib can be found as one of our Google Apps. This means you already have an account with EasyBib! To find it, make sure you are in a window that is part of the Google Apps (i.e. mail or drive). Click the 9 box array in the upper right hand corner. Scroll down, then click "more". You'll find EasyBib near the bottom.
Click "New Project" to begin, name your project and create it in the MLA format that your teacher requires. If you are ready to create your bibliography or works cited list, click on bibliography. The source types are in tabs across the top. Most frequently used are Website, Book, and Database.
For a website, simply copy and paste the URL into the blank! In the next step, EasyBib will let you know what parts of the website it notices are missing. See image below if you are having trouble locating the missing information.
It's that easy!
For a book, click the tab that says "book" and enter the ISBN number. Verify the following information!
For a magazine article in a database (i.e. EBSCO, SIRS, Gale), you will need to enter the following information from that magazine article.