Google Classroom


Students will sign up for their Google Classroom on the first day of school.

How to Access Google Classroom

You can simply click on the links above. Students must be logged into their WESD account.


1. Go to

2. Select "Sign In" (Make sure you are signed out of any personal google accounts. If student is logging in for the first time, they may need to ADD ACCOUNT. You can only login into Google Classroom using the student's WESD account.)

3. The student must enter their WESD username and password. See info. to right. Students DO NOT need a classroom code because they have already been signed up for the class.

4. The student will then select the class they want to work on.

5. Students will find their work under the CLASSWORK section at the top.

6. Students can also select VIEW YOUR WORK to see what's been assigned, what's been returned with a grade, and what is missing.

How to Receive Guardian Email Summaries

  1. Your child must first accept the invitation to join their Google Classroom.

  2. I will then invite you as a guardian to receive the email summaries.

  3. Below is a video that explains more about what Guardian Email Summaries are.

Googe Classroom Cheat Sheet for Students.pdf
Student Guide to Google Classroom

Family Tech Support - If you are having problems with WESD chromebooks at home, and you have first asked your child's teacher, you can access this link and the Tech Support form to get tech help.

Student Tour of Google Classroom