Physical Education Body Control Requirements

In our Elementary Physical Education program a strong daily emphasis is placed on body control movements. Our belief is that body control elevates an individuals athletic ability and awareness. As students progress in rolling, falling, and tumbling to the ground they begin to discover where they are holding tension in their bodies. Once the student becomes aware of the tense areas of their body they can start to release this tension and free up areas that were once locked up. Through consistent breathing, relaxation, and body control movements the student begins to develop much more dynamic movement.

During the 2022-23 school year our Elementary Physical Education Program will have Body Control Movement Requirements that will be covered throughout the school year.

1). Arm Screw.

2). Elevated Scorpion.

3). Circular Scorpion.

4). Leg Thread.

5). Spinal Rock.

6). Spinal Rock-Toe Touch.

7). Quad Hops.

8). Push-Up Hops.

9). Arm Thread Shoulder Roll.

10). Neck Roll.

11). Single Tripod Hopping.

12). Double Tripod Hopping.