Tips for a Great Year

Make friends and have fun

Making friends is vital. We can't go it alone and have a good experience in school. However, don't make school a social event. You also have other important things to accomplish.

Do your homework

Keep up with your schoolwork and homework. Once you start to get behind, you will get discouraged. The further behind you get the more difficult it is to get caught up. It is so much easier to stay caught up.

Give it your best everyday

When you do your best, not only will you be successful but you will be a part of something you can be proud of.

Be in School everyday

When you miss school, you will not only miss what is being taught, but will probably be confused when you return to school. Your classmates will be ahead of you. There will be times when you have no choice, such as when you are sick or a family emergency. Should this happen, you need to take responsibility to talk to your teachers to help get caught up.

Get involved in school activities

You will not only make friends quicker, but you will learn a lot about yourself that you didn't know before. You may find out you are really good at something. You will also have another 'family' and a place to belong. Students who are involved in an extra-curricular activity do better in school. It provides an outlet from school.