Advice from Eighth Graders

Following is advice for seventh grade students from eighth grade students...some really good stuff!

Welcome to West De Pere Middle School.  Middle School is way different than elementary school.  You are going to have the time of your life here.  If you do some simple things.  Do your homework!  Trust me when I say that what you do in middle school will reflect on what you do in high school.  You're going to be pretty bummed when it's the end of the year class trip and you don't get to go because you have missing work.  Also, do the work right, I'm not trying to sound like your mom but honestly it's cooler to get good grades than just barely passing.  Also, get involved in sports!  When you're part of a team that's one of the best feelings in the world.  Even if you're not athletic, do something, go outside or at least exercise.  Stay healthy!  Also, become more social.  Don't be the one that stays in the back and doesn't say a word to anyone.  Having friends is a lot better than being alone.  Don't get too involved in friends though.  Keep your mind on your school work.  That's what you're here to do, learn.  Also, don't come in here thinking you're all that, the 8th graders will chew you up.  Not to burst your bubble but you're 6th graders.  For the most part there's nothing to worry about.  You'll have an amazing time here or you will hate it, the choice is yours.  Good luck.  K.G.


Dear New Comers, If you really want to be successful you have to listen in class.  If you don't pay attention in class you're not going to know what to do and fail.  You may not care about failing right now, but trust me you will later.  Failing looks bad and when you see that 'F' on that report card you will feel low.  Teachers will also assume less from you because you don't do your work anyway.  All you have to do is listen in class.  Also, when you listen and ask questions class will seem so much easier and fun.  Trust me, I was there.  I failed two classes twice and almost got held back.  It's all because I didn't listen in class and fell behind.  Now I try, even thought it's not very fun.  Now I try more to listen in class.  My grades are way better, I went from a 2.0 to a 3.0 (grade point average) just by listening in class.  When you listen in class homework just doesn't seem hard anymore.  So my number one rule is to listen in class!  P.B.


Dear new students, Middle school can be really enjoyable or not so enjoyable.  If you manage your time you will do ok but if you don't, you will endure immense amount of stress.  Middle school can be quite easy if you don't mess around and get your assignments done.  Middle school isn't your whole life but you need to put a lot of effort into your assignments.  If you can do that, then middle school will seem simple.  Teachers can be your best friend or your worst enemy.  If you are nice to your teachers and treat them with respect, they will be nice to you and help you on your assignments if you need it.  If you aren't nice to your teachers and are disrespectful to them, they will often keep you after class or keep you in for recess.  So treat your teachers nicely and don't be rude in front of them.  Middle school is the turning point of your life so make the best of it.  C.K.

Dear Incoming students, Middle school life is going to be much different than elementary life.  You will be moving around classes a lot so keep things in your locker.  Middle school well be very fun if you try hard enough.  Most importantly in my mind is to have tons of fun throughout your time here.  Also the big eighth graders may look big and scary, but if you do have a question you should not be scared of them.  Also, make friends with staff here, it will greatly benefit you. They are all very nice.  Also, you should get involved in sports and other activities, they help you become a better person.  And make new friends.  I played football, wrestled, and ran cross country and track  They all help you get physically and emotionally stronger.  Academics also are a huge part of middle school.  You need to work and develop good work ethic skills so you will be successful in life.  Do all of your homework and get it in on time.  It will greatly benefit you and your grade.  It's important that you pay attention so you will have the skills to become a better student.  Good luck, A.P.


Dear Newcomer, Middle school is a lot different than elementary, and is a big step for you.  But you can be successful if you do what I tell you.  First of all, you shouldn't be nervous one bit.  There may be a lot of changes you have to make, but they are very small changes that are easy to make.  You will have to have your lock and locker in which you organize everything for each of your classes. Also, you will go from being the oldest kids in the school to being the youngest kids in the school.  But don't be afraid of the seventh or eighth graders because they were in your shoes once too.  You can do things to become a successful student at West De Pere Middle School.  Middle school will be easier and less stressful if you complete your work on time, and to the best of your ability.  You should also participate in extracurricular activities, like sports, to have fun and get rid of some stress you have about school.  Last, you need to respect your teachers, even if they aren't your favorite.  If you follow my directions, middle school will be very easy and go by fast.  Sincerely, past middle schooler, S.D.


Dear Incoming students, Well, middle school.  Where do I start?  Middle school can be fun, but it can also be a pain.  You will have teachers that you might love or some that you will hate.  You have to just bite your tongue and do what they say.  It will soon be over.  If you want to be successful their are a few things that you need to do.  You need to stay organized.  Teachers won't be on your case to get things done as much as elementary school.  You should do your daily work and really try hard to not get behind.  You should study for tests and do your best.  Try to get involved.  Last, have fun.  It goes by fast, trust me!  Sincerely, N.N.R.


Dear New Sixth Grader, Welcome to the middle school!  The middle school is much bigger but more crowded.  You get different teachers instead of only having one main teacher.  All the teachers are fun.  You get to do a lot of projects too.  The middle school is a lot of fun.  You get to play different sports and try new things.  Everyone in the middle school is cool.  The sport that a lot of people do is track.  But a lot of people play basketball too.  Well have fun in middle school!  H.

Dear Incoming 6th Grader, You are going to middle school now so things are going to be a little different.  If you think this is a bad thing then don't because it's not.  You are going to have more classes and have more than one teacher for them.  You'll have to make trips to your locker for different stuff and travel around the school.  I don't know if this sounds a little overwhelming to you, but it's not.  When you're getting in the swing of things, your teachers should be more lenient on the time your taking.  You also get to see all your friends during passing hour.  Plus you have more options for recess.  You'll get used to everything that goes on at this school, believe me.  D.D.


Dear New Incoming 6th Graders, I really hope that your first year in middle school is really fun.  You will have tons of opportunities in middle school, whether it's sports, schoolwork or clubs.  Staff will always be around and are willing to help you out.  Middle school is when you find out who you are and there will be much change over the years.  You'll have different friends and maybe new ones.  To succeed in middle school you will need to be organized and turn in all work completed.  Checking PowerSchool often is also very helpful.  I used my agenda a lot, so I knew what I needed to get done and when my tests would be.  PowerSchool is helpful being prepared and is an easier way of doing your work.  You also need to pay close attention to your teachers.  Take down lots of notes and study.  That's all I have to say.  Most of all have fun and good luck.  Y.V.


Dear Sixth Grader,  First of all, welcome to the middle school!  They might tell you in the elementary school that they won't 'baby' you here, which is true!  Here they are a lot cooler and let you do so much more.  You also have more options.  Once you're in 7th grade you can start choosing some of your own classes.  If you do your work throughout middle school, it makes everything easier, so you can have more fun.  When talking about the teachers, most of them are pretty cool, you just don't get on their bad side.  Another reason you want to get your work done is because then if you do, at the end of the year, you get to go on the big class trip.  At the end of your 6th grade year, you'll get to choose a foreign language and from a personal preference, I suggest French.  It is way more fun.  The last thing I'm going to say is beware of the school lunches, some are a lot weirder tasting then they look.  K.H.


Dear Incoming Sixth Grader, Welcome to West De Pere Middle School!  Middle school is a lot different than elementary school.  Now, you're in new territory and you're the youngest here.  You have to learn how to open locks, change for gym class, and can join clubs.  To be successful, there are a few things you need to know.  First, older kids don't go around shoving kids into lockers.  If you don't start a fight, there won't be one.  Second, don't worry.  When you look back, you'll see how silly you were for worrying.  Third, do your work and be social.  Middle school is a time to try new things and meet new people.  Join some clubs or sports, and go to school dances.  They're fun, and you get to meet other kids who like the same things.  Also, develop good study habits.  It's hard to fail in middle school, it really is.  You can put in minimum effort and do well.  What's important is that you learn and learn how to study. Fourth, don't procrastinate.  It might seem like a big school, but you'll learn your way eventually.  Teachers are very helpful-don't be afraid to ask.  Sincerely, An eighth grader who has done this.  M.B.


Dear Six Grader, There are a few ways to be successful in middle school.  For example get to class on time and stay organized.  I strongly recommend using your agenda so you do not forget your homework.  Always have your homework done on time!  It is always good to make new friends too, and you can never have too many friends.  There is a lot of fun things to do in middle school.  If you like sports there is a ton of sports to choose from like volleyball, basketball, cross country, track, wrestling, and football.  If you don't like sports you can always join a club and others.  We also have forensics.  Other fun things are dances.  Just find an interest and get involved!  L.B.


Dear New Sixth Grader, Welcome to the West De Pere Middle School.  This school isn't like the elementary school, you get a little more freedom.  You don't have to be in single file lines or get two recesses.  You get four minutes between every class and one recess.  The rumors aren't really true that you get picked on if you're the youngest, but you are a little frowned upon by older kids.  If you have a brother or sister that is in seventh or eighth grade, you might get made fun of a little bit more than everyone else.  Middle school may be a little bit boring at times, but you do get perks at the end of the year every year.  When you get really bored during school, just think that in a couple of years, you'll be in high school.  In middle school, it's your last chance for recess so enjoy it.  You get trips to places that are fun at the end of the sixth, seventh and eighth grade so that is something to look forward to.  Have fun!  Sincerely, Graduating Eight Grader.  J.D.


Dear Sixth Graders, Middle school is a lot harder than elementary school.  There is more homework and more learning.  In eighth grade you have to earn your way and not slack off.  Eighth grade will be the hardest for you if you are a slacker.  You will fall behind fast and it will be hard to catch up.  Try and be on time with school work.  Sincerely, K.W.


Dear Sixth Graders:  In order to be successful in middle school, you need to study hard and long.  The quizzes are harder now and they take more time and concentration.  You also need to do all of your homework and hand it in on time.  Also you need to get involved in a sport after school.  Sports really help you blow off some stress caused by all the tests and homework.  One important thing is to have fun!  If you don't have fun in middle school it will be a long three years here.  Goof off some but make sure you don't interrupt the teacher when she's talking.  Also you should always ask for help if you don't know what you are doing.  Don't worry if kids make fun of you for asking for help!  Teachers are there to help you and they will help you as much as they can.  K.S. 

Dear Sixth Graders, I've been in this school for three years, it's a little bit different but you will get used to it very fast.  The lockers are a little scary and it's going to be hard at first but it will get better.  It might make you late sometimes, but if you tell your teacher they will understand.  The teachers in this school in all grades are very understanding, and would help you if you need it.  Since you are going to be the youngest in this school it's good to make older friends.  A great way to do that is get into sports and meet new kids, or after school programs.  This is a great school, a little big but I know you can do it.  Just try your best and you'll pass for sure.  Get your homework and classwork done.  Good luck, and have fun the next three years.  C.F.


Dear Incoming Sixth Grader,  In middle school you have a lot more freedom.  You don't have to walk in single file lines with your class everywhere, you're in charge of getting yourself where you need to be.  It's kind of fun.  To succeed in middle school you just have to do your homework and try your best to listen in class.  As long as you're not trying to get bad grades, you'll probably do very good in school.  There are more things you can get involved in in middle school.  You can be in more sports and clubs.  Being in sports and clubs is a lot of fun if you like that sport or club.  That's why I suggest you join ones you're interested in.  If you're in certain ones you can get to go on trips at the end of the year or have pizza parties, but that's just a bonus to the fun you can have in that club or sport.  I hope you enjoy middle school!  L.H.